Sunday 1 April 2012

A losing battle

The heading says it all I think.

I'm at a place right now, where I'm just so depressed and so close to giving up (on life), I mean I'm losing nothing, I'm still 152, part of me hoped the scales have broken, but they haven't.

I need to lose the weight, I mean this isn't a matter of ''Oh I'll diet to lose a few pounds'' this is now a case of I HAVE TO DO IT!! I haven't reached any of my goals as I was supposed to, how do those other girls do it?

I've been on thinspiration blogs and it's giving me a bit of a boost, I must say.

I'm gonna keep at it, I read that you don't see results for about a week, is this true?

Anyway, armed with my hoodia pops, plenty of excuses and stories to not eat, and green tea, I'm going to do this. I promise myself.

My new Plan: 

Breakfast: Green Tea

Lunch: Goes in the bin (My mum makes me one to take to work everyday)

Dinner: (I now eat in my room, alone) Eat the low Call healthy stuff, if there is any, rest goes in the bin. (Cause not eating anything would just turn my stomach bloated like the African kids on TV)

Snack on: Hoodia Pops.

If I eat: Pruge then Cutt, Punishment.

Summers coming: Go running, jump rope, even walking.

And WHEN my mum finds the forms for the gym, I'll be down to 140 in no time.

Wish me luck guys. I'm gonna need it. xx

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